
Showing posts from May, 2019

Visit Meteoritc Site in Nicaragua by Translator

Nicaraguan Meteorites   Huge Meteorite Crater in Nicaragua By Rolando Tellez Awesome experience for adventurous travelers. Here is a description of how you can enjoy the beautiful views of an impressive 14 km diameter crater known as Pantasma, Jinotega, Nicaragua. According to a team led by scientist, Pierre Rochette, the crater structure of Pantasma is the result of an enormous meteorite impact that occurred in the area about 815,000 years ago. Then the center of the crater became a lake, which was drained by the rivers for many years. Today, the administrative center of Pantasma, Las Praderas, is in the center of the crater. The lush vegetation made it almost impossible to detect the crater until satellite images revealed such place in 2006. I've been traveling to Pantasma by bus since 2009, and just the impressive views make the trip worthwhile. Pantasma is 192 km from Managua, the number of each kilometer is now indicated on short white posts along the road.   But